IFSSA's Role Print

Modified on: Wed, 16 Dec, 2015 at 9:31 PM


IFSSA is playing a leading role in the settlement of the 3000+ refugees coming into Edmonton over the coming year. IFSSA has already helped settle over 50 Syrian refugees into Edmonton over the last 6 months and is presently involved with the processing of 150+ applications. IFSSA is also supporting the settlement and integration of refugees brought in by the government and other organizations. IFSSA has been providing spiritually and culturally sensitive social services in Edmonton for over 20 years.

IFSSA is supporting resettlement efforts through…

· Community mobilization (within the Arabic speaking, and Muslim community)  This will include organizing Arabic speaking doctors/dentist, facilitating affordable housing transfers, ESL volunteers, general volunteers, etc

· Supporting private sponsors (from the application process to settlement)

· Community Education Sessions

Educating community care providers on recognizing and dealing with PTSD and other mental health issues

· Providing access to a Syrian Refugee specific donation centre with furniture, clothing, house hold goods and other provisions

· Providing access to our halal food bank

· Providing access to short-term emergency financial relief

· Providing bridging between refugee families and host families for social/emotional support

· Other long-term integration support for refugees

· Hiring a full-time Refugee Support Coordinator. See: ifssa.ca/refugeecoordinator

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The Woopra App : Freshdesk

The Woopra App

Modified on: Thu, 4 Aug, 2016 at 12:14 PM

If you are using the previous version of Freshdesk , refer to this article instead
If you are using Freshdesk Mint, refer to this article instead
This feature is currently not available on Freshdesk Mint.
This feature is not available on the old Freshdesk.

Applicable plans
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Feature Details:

The Woopra App for Freshdesk has two main functions:

  1. It allows you to easily access a customer's profile information - this feature can be accessed by installing the Woopra App from the App Gallery.
  2. It allows you to view the pages he has visited on your site and other details when you view his ticket. You'll need to follow the instructions in the "Display Code" section below to access this feature.
You can also make use of Woopra's integration with Freshdesk where actions can be automatically triggered in Woopra based on ticket properties in Freshdesk.

Installation Procedure:

  1. Go to Admin Apps Get More Apps
  2. Select Woopra and click on Install
  3. Enter the Domain Name of your Woopra account and click on Install.

The Display Code:

  • Open the text file named "woopra_portal_customization.txt" (Right click here and select "Save Link As")
  • Replace "ifssa.freshdesk.com" with your domain name. 
  • Copy the code from the file.
  • Go to Admin → Portals  Customize Portal → Layouts & Pages  Portal Layout 

  • Paste the code in the "Footer" section and click "Save and Publish"

Using the App:

The right side of the ticket window contains the "Requester Info" box.

Clicking on "Woopra Profile" will bring up analytics specific to that customer, generated by his activities on your site. This can be used by agents to determine which ticket to handle and to get some insight into the problems that the customer is facing.

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